Thursday, March 31, 2011


This is my palette, it is incomplete.  I didn't have time to get paint......

Monday, March 28, 2011

Color Palettes

This is my monochromatic color thingy.

This was my attempt at achieving the transparent affect.

This is the principle of the hot and cold colors (the last one on the page).

Friday, March 18, 2011

Beatles Texture Composition

     This is a collage I did of the Beatles.  I was thinking about how the Beatles affected the world for inspiration, and I concluded that the Beatles changed the world in many different ways.  This collage is void of color because I felt that when doing a Beatles collage, you could either do a greyscale collage or a super colorful collage (mainly because of the influence of psychedelic drugs on the Beatles' actions and music).  I tried adding color to my primarily black and white collage, but it didn't really work, or at least I couldn't manage to make it work.
     The main texture (the large black lines) is actually says "THE BEATLES HELP".  I did this because when I was trying to decide how to texture the piece, this is what happened (bear with this).  My brain thought "texture...hmmmm....texture....ummm...what to do......(lightbulb)...TEXTure!!!"  So this is my attempt to create texture with text.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Silhouette Composition

This is a silhouette of The Beatles Help! album.  I enlarged the Beatles logo at the top because I wanted it to be part of the silhouette instead of just text.

Mark Bradford Research

I think it's really cool how Mark Bradford gets the materials for his collage projects from scavenging the streets and collecting things that he finds.  His works resemble real-life situations, such as street or building layouts or crowds of people.  This one that I found above definitely seems like a street layout.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Where To Go To Erase - New York State Department of Transportation

Click on the picture above to see the actual finished product.  For some reason, the blog reduces the coloring.  I thought, in light of the album name (Where To Go To Erase), I'd put something in the water reflection that wasn't in the real world.  I also added some red overlays to make the entire thing more vibrant.  I kept the original text because I thought it really worked with the post-rock vibe I was getting from the album and artist names.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Preliminary Album Artwork

I cropped the picture and added lens flare.  I want to do more, because I feel like lens flare is a cheap trick.  The band name and title are at the bottom, in all caps and all combined.