Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Design Pictures

I was thinking about doing a light brown to black palette, a yellows with brown palette, and a green, white, brown, and black palette because so many people associate coffee immediately with Starbucks.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Go Joe!

The product that I have chosen to advertise is coffee.  Coffee is a wonderful drink with lots of benefits that people are not aware of.  Many people that because coffee is caffeinated, it might not be good for you.  But coffee has more antioxidants than any other drink and most other foods.  I have a very close connection to Joe.  My parents introduced me to him when I was young, but we never really got to hang out until my high school years.  I never really had a dependency on coffee, using it more recreationally, if you will, than as a means to stay up late and get work done.  I don’t discriminate either.  I don’t hate Starbucks for being a large franchise, but I also love me some small locally owned coffee shops.  Coffee also has a very large following around the world.  It is farmed in many third world countries, and most coffee shops make it a point to only buy coffee from middle men that treat the coffee farmers well.  Coffee is also very complex, and there are many coffee connoisseurs, as there are for scotch, or wine.   I can’t consider myself a connoisseur because I can’t really pinpoint distinct notes that a coffee has unless it is very obvious. Coffee also has a way of bringing people together.  Getting coffee can be a great casual date, or a way for old friends to catch up.  I drink coffee with my parents and we chat about what the recent days have yielded.  I was thinking about doing some campaign slogan like “Got Milk,” but that is for milk and “Got Coffee” isn’t really that catchy and way too obviously stolen from “Got Milk.”  So I’ve decided that the tagline is going to be “Go Joe.”  It’s short, it rhymes, and hopefully everybody knows that Joe is coffee.  If they don’t, obviously any advertisements will be accompanied by pictures or video, so a little deductive reasoning would do the trick.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


This is my palette, it is incomplete.  I didn't have time to get paint......